LD 1560
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LD 1560 Title Page An Act To Transfer the Pest Control Compact from the Department of Conservation... Page 2 of 12
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LR 368
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 7 MRSA c. 410 is enacted to read:



§2311. Pest Control Compact

The Pest Control Compact is enacted into law and entered into
with all other jurisdictions legally joining the compact in the
form substantially as provided in this chapter.

§2312. Findings -- Article I

The party states find that in the absence of the higher degree
of cooperation among them possible under this compact, the annual
loss of approximately $137,000,000,000 from the depredations of
pests is virtually certain to continue, if not to increase.

Because of varying climatic, geographic and economic factors,
each state may be affected differently by particular species of
pests, but all states share the inability to protect themselves
fully against those pests that present serious dangers to them.

The migratory character of pest infestations makes it
necessary for states, both adjacent to and distant from one
another, to complement each other's activities when faced with
conditions of infestation and reinfestation.

While every state is seriously affected by a substantial
number of pests and every state is susceptible to infestation by
many species of pests not now causing damage to its crop and
plant life and products, the fact that relatively few species of
pests present equal danger to or are of interest to all states
makes the establishment and operation of an insurance fund from
which individual states may obtain financial support for pest
control programs of benefit to them in other states and to which
they may contribute in accordance with their relative interests
the most equitable means of financing cooperative pest
eradication and control programs.

§2313. Definitions -- Article II

As used in this compact, unless the context otherwise
indicates, the following terms have the following meanings.

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