LD 1126
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LD 1126 Title Page An Act To Encourage the Purchase of Meat Produced without Nontherapeutic Antibi... Page 2 of 3
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Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 7 MRSA c. 8-A, as amended, is further amended by repealing
the chapter headnote and enacting the following in its place:



Sec. 2. 7 MRSA §211, as enacted by PL 1983, c. 608, §2, is amended
by adding at the end a new paragraph to read:

It is the policy of the State to discourage the nontherapeutic
use of antibiotics in animal agriculture.__State institutions and
school districts shall inform suppliers of chicken, turkey, beef
or pork products of their preference for purchasing products that
have been produced without nontherapeutic use of antibiotics and
make purchasing decisions in accordance with this chapter.

Sec. 3. 7 MRSA §212, as amended by PL 1989, c. 443, §18 and PL
2003, c. 20, Pt. OO, §2 and affected by §4, is repealed.

Sec. 4. 7 MRSA §212-A is enacted to read:


As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise
indicates, the following terms have the following meanings.

1.__Antibiotic.__"Antibiotic" means a substance of natural or
synthetic origin that kills or inhibits the growth or
multiplication of bacteria.__"Antibiotic" includes, but is not
limited to, the following classes: penicillins, tetracyclines,
macrolides, lincosamides, streptogramins, aminoglycosides and
sulfonamides.__"Antibiotic" does not include ionophores or other
compounds directed against fungi, parasites or viruses.

2.__Antibiotics used in human medicine.__"Antibiotics used in
human medicine" means any antibiotic belonging to the following
classes of compounds approved for use in human medicine:
penicillins, tetracyclines, macrolides, lincosamides,
streptogramins, aminoglycosides and sulfonamides.

3.__Broker or wholesaler.__"Broker or wholesaler" means a
person representing an enterprise, either for profit or
nonprofit, whose objective is to purchase or collect available
supplies of food from food producers for subsequent distribution
to state institutions, school districts and other food

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