LD 1101
pg. 1
LD 1101 Title Page An Act To Designate Pay Phone Locations in the Public Interest Page 2 of 2
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LR 304
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 35-A MRSA §7508 is enacted to read:

§7508.__Public-interest pay phones

1. Public-interest pay phone locations. In order to ensure
access to pay phone in a manner that fulfills the requirements of
the public health, safety and welfare, the commission shall
identify by rule locations for public-interest pay phones in
accordance with this section.

A.__A public-interest pay phone location may be designated
where other forms of landline or wireless service are not
available or are unaffordable or where access by the general
public is of special importance.

B.__A public-interest pay phone location may be designated
in security settings, such as correctional facilities, where
landline or wireless service is not practical or authorized.

C.__A public-interest pay phone location may be designated
upon petition by citizens pursuant to procedures identified
by commission rule.

D.__A public-interest pay phone may not be removed from
service unless its owner provides written notice to the
commission 30 days prior to removal.

2. Recovery of costs; account. Any incremental costs
associated with installing or maintaining a public-interest pay
phone pursuant to this section and 47 United States Code Section
276(b)(2) must be recovered from owners of public or semipublic
pay phones in the State by means of an annual assessment on those
owners levied by the commission.__Each owner of a public or
semipublic pay phone in this State must be billed an annual
charge for each pay phone location sufficient to fund for one
year the number of public-interest pay phones authorized under
this section by the commission.__All funds received by the
commission from owners of public and semipublic pay phones must
be deposited in a public-interest pay phone account established
within the commission.

3. Rules. The commission shall adopt rules that are routine
technical rules pursuant to Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A
to implement this section.


Due to the prevalence of wireless telephone technology, public
pay phones in Maine have become less numerous in recent years,
which has led to a loss of access to E-9-1-1 emergency

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