LD 904
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Create the Maine Asthma and Lung Disease Research Fund LD 904 Title Page
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LR 1673
Item 1

2.__Contributions credited to Maine Asthma and Lung Disease
Research Fund.__The State Tax Assessor shall determine annually
the total amount contributed pursuant to subsection 1.__Prior to
the beginning of the next year, the State Tax Assessor shall
deduct the cost, up to $2,000 annually, of administering the
Maine Asthma and Lung Disease Research Fund checkoff and report
the remainder to the Treasurer of State, who shall forward that
amount to the Maine Asthma and Lung Disease Research Fund.

Sec. 4. Application. This Act applies to tax years beginning on and
after January 1, 2005.


This bill establishes the Maine Asthma and Lung Disease
Research Fund in the Department of Health and Human Services,
Bureau of Health to provide grants for research into the health
effects of indoor and outdoor air pollution and the prevention,
causes, treatment and cure of lung diseases such as asthma,
emphysema and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The funding
source of the fund is a voluntary checkoff on the individual
income tax form that allows a taxpayer to donate a portion of a
tax refund or make a donation with the tax return.

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