LD 869
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Extend Recognition to the Metis People BY REQUEST LD 869 Title Page
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LR 389
Item 1

A person who is Metis in the State and any lands or other natural
resources owned by such a person or group of such persons, held in
trust by the United States or by any other person or entity, are
subject to the laws of the State and to the civil and criminal
jurisdiction of the courts of the State to the same extent as any
other person or lands or other natural resources therein.

§8105.__Powers of Metis

This Act does not extend to the Metis people the powers,
privileges and immunities of a municipality nor authorize the
Metis People to exercise civil or criminal jurisdiction within
the lands they may own prior to the enactment of additional
legislation specifically authorizing the exercise of those
governmental powers.


This bill provides state recognition for the Metis people,
recognized in Canada as one of the aboriginal peoples. This bill
is similar to Canadian law recognizing the Metis people. This
bill does not provide the powers, privileges and immunities of a
municipality or authorize the exercise of criminal or civil
jurisdiction by the Metis people.

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