LD 802
pg. 1
LD 802 Title Page An Act To Improve the Efficiency of the Legislature LD 802 Title Page
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LR 1228
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 3 MRSA §162, sub-§11, as repealed and replaced by PL 1973, c.
590, §4, is amended to read:

11. Legislative equipment and supplies. To provide necessary
furniture, stationery and other supplies and equipment for the
use of the members, committees, agencies and offices of the
Legislature.__Beginning January 2006, the Legislative Council
shall provide laptop computers for all Legislators;

Sec. 2. Laptop computers. The Legislative Council shall negotiate
for laptop computers consistent with the provisions in the Maine
Revised Statutes, Title 3, section 162, subsection 11 in a
similar way as school laptop computers were procured. The laptop
computers must include the most current business and word
processing software, and wireless Internet and e-mail access.
After laptop computers have been provided to all Legislators, the
daily calendar, all bills and amendments, committee documents and
all memos and announcements must be provided electronically.
Savings in printing must be used to fund the purchase of laptop
computers. If additional funding is needed, the funds must be
generated by savings from reductions made to out-of-state travel
for Legislators and other cuts to the budget for the Legislature.


This bill authorizes the Legislative Council to contract for
laptop computers for all Legislators. The computers will include
word processing software, Internet and e-mail access. Savings in
printing and, if necessary, out-of-state travel will be used to
fund the computer purchase.

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