LD 361
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Page 1 of 2 An Act To Reestablish the Penobscot County Budget Committee LD 361 Title Page
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LR 1035
Item 1

budget committee.__Each county commissioner shall serve as
nonvoting moderator for that district caucus.__Nominations must be
received from the floor.__The 2 nominees receiving the most votes
are the budget committee members.__The names of those elected by
the caucus must be recorded and forwarded to the county

3.__Term; vacancy; replacement.__Budget committee members
serve 2-year terms.__If a budget committee member ceases to be a
municipal official during the term of membership, the budget
committee member vacates membership and a replacement must be
appointed by the county commissioner from the district in which
the vacancy occurred.

§900-N.__Budget process

1.__Public hearing.__The county commissioners shall hold one
or more public hearings on the budget at times convenient for the
residents of the county and before December 16th of each year.

2.__Budget; submission to budget committee.__The Penobscot
county commissioners shall submit a budget for the coming year to
the budget committee no later than November 10th of each year.__
The budget committee shall review the budget with the county
commissioners prior to November 30th and make additions or
deletions to the budget by a majority vote of the budget
committee.__A unanimous vote of the county commissioners is
required to override the budget committee.

3.__Assessment of taxes.__The budget adopted under subsection
2 is the final authorization for the assessment of county taxes.__
The county tax authorized is apportioned and collected in
accordance with section 706.

4.__Final budget; filing.__A copy of the final budget must be
filed on forms approved by the Department of Audit with the State
Auditor, who shall retain it for 3 years.

5.__Interim budget.__If the budget is not approved before the
start of the fiscal year, the county must operate on an interim
budget that does not exceed the budget of the previous year until
a final budget is adopted.


This bill reestablishes the Penobscot County Budget Committee.

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