LD 240
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Update Certain Provisions Pertaining to County Government LD 240 Title Page
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LR 1613
Item 1

Sec. 4. 30-A MRSA §932, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 1987, c. 737, Pt. A, §2
and Pt. C, §106; and amended by PL 1989, c. 6; c. 9, §2; and c.
104, Pt. C, §§8 and 10, is further amended to read:

1. Taxes. The county commissioners of all counties may
borrow in anticipation of taxes. If the county budget has not
yet been approved by the Legislature, the county commissioners of
each county may borrow an amount not exceeding 80% of the
previous year's budget, except as otherwise provided.


This bill defines the term "county official" in order to make
the distinction between this category of county personnel, which
includes both appointed and elected county offices, and the
narrower category of "county officer," which refers only to
elected offices. These definitions make the same distinction as
those in municipal laws.

The bill allows a county treasurer to pay clerical help either
weekly or biweekly, at the discretion of the commissioners,
consistent with recent changes to Maine's hour and wage laws.

The bill also removes references to the Legislature in
provisions governing adoption of a county budget because those
provisions have been obsolete in all counties for a number of

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