LD 52
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LD 52 Title Page An Act To Authorize Certain Campers To Carry Asthma Inhalers and Epinephrine Pe... LD 52 Title Page
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LR 152
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 22 MRSA §2502 is enacted to read:

§2502.__Emergency medication

A recreational camp for boys or girls shall have a written
policy authorizing campers to carry on thier persons and self-
administer emergency medication from an asthma inhaler or an
epinephrine pen.__The written policy must include the following

1.__Approval.__A camper who self-administers an asthma inhaler
or an epinephrine pen must have the prior written approval of the
camper's primary health care provider and, if the camper is a
minor, the prior written approval of the camper's parent or

2.__Verification.__The camper's parent or guardian must submit
written verification to the camp from the camper's primary health
care provider confirming that the camper has the knowledge and
the skills to safely possess and use an asthma inhaler or an
epinephrine pen in camp; and

3.__Evaluation.__The camp health staff must evaluate the
camper's technique to ensure proper and effective use of an
asthma inhaler or an epinephrine pen in camp.


This bill requires recreational camps for boys and girls to
have policies authorizing certain campers to possess and self-
administer emergency medication from an asthma inhaler or
epinephrine pen. The provisions of this bill are similar to the
provisions of Public Law 2003, chapter 531, which applies to
public and private schools.

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