121st Maine Legislature
Office of Fiscal and Program Review
LD 1220
An Act To Amend the Dates for Implementation of the Maine Rx Program and the Prescription Drug Price Reduction Act     
LR 0071(02)
Fiscal Note for Bill as Amended by Committee Amendment " "
Committee: Health and Human Services
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
Potential current biennium cost increase - General Fund
Fiscal Detail and Notes
The bill modifies the effective dates of the original MaineRx program.  As a result of legal challenges, the MaineRx program has never been in operation. In the interim, the program's original start-up funding has been eliminated.  If the Supreme Court rules in the State's favor (arguments heard 1/22/03), with the amended effective dates, the program would need an alternative source of start-up funding. The bill does not include this funding.