LD 1758
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LR 2616
Item 1

end of the fiscal year do not lapse but must be carried forward to
the next fiscal year to be used for the same purpose.

2. Annual report. By February 1st of each year, the
commissioner shall submit an annual report to the joint standing
committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over fisheries
matters and the joint standing committee of the Legislature
having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs.
The report must detail the amount of money collected in the fund
over the course of the prior year and the expense of managing and
maintaining the Aquarium and Resource Center at West Boothbay
Harbor and the Burnt Island Living Lighthouse and its their
programs. The commissioner shall make recommendations concerning
how the fund may be increased or expenses reduced or both so that
the Aquarium and Resource Center at West Boothbay Harbor and the
Burnt Island Living Lighthouse and its their programs become
increasingly financially self-sustaining.

Sec. 2. 12 MRSA §6036 is enacted to read:

§6036.__Marine Fisheries Research and Development Fund

1.__Fund established.__The Marine Fisheries Research and
Development Fund, referred to in this section as the "fund," is
established as a dedicated, nonlapsing fund within the
department.__Unexpended balances in the fund at the end of the
fiscal year may not lapse and must be carried forward to the next
fiscal year and used for the purposes of this section.

2.__Sources and uses of fund.__Revenues from the total
gasoline tax revenues credited to the fund under Title 36,
section 2903-D may be used for research, development, propagation
and management activities of the department.__The commissioner
may select activities and projects that will be most beneficial
to the commercial fisheries of the State as well as the
development of sport fisheries in the State.__In addition to the
revenues derived from the total gasoline tax revenues, the fund
may receive money from any source for the purposes of this

3.__Allocations from fund.__Expenditures from the fund are
subject to legislative approval in the same manner as
appropriations from the General Fund.__The joint standing
committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
appropriations must approve the allocations.

Sec. 3. 12 MRSA §6410 is enacted to read:

§6410.__Suspension of license for failure to comply with court

order of support

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