LD 1466
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Page 1 of 2 An Act To Relocate the Prohibition of Use of State Government Computer Systems ... LD 1466 Title Page
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LR 1980
Item 1

B. With the intent to solicit contributions reportable
under Title 21-A, chapter 13.

4. Penalty. Misuse of a State Government computer system
is a Class C crime.

Sec. 3. 21-A MRSA §32, sub-§3 is enacted to read:

3.__Class C crime.__A person commits a Class C crime if that
person misuses a state government computer system.__For
purposes of this subsection, a person is guilty of misuse of a
state government computer system if that person knowingly uses
a computer system operated by a state department or agency,
the Judicial Department or the Legislature:

A.__To prepare materials with the intent to expressly
advocate, to those eligible to vote, for the election or
defeat of any candidate for a federal office, a
constitutional office or elective municipal, county or
state office, including leadership positions in the State
Senate and the State House of Representatives; or

B.__With the intent to solicit contributions reportable
under chapter 13.

For purposes of this subsection, "computer system" has the
same meaning as in Title 17-A, section 431 and "leadership
positions" means the presiding officers of each House of the
Legislature, party leaders, the Clerk of the House, the
Assistant Clerk of the House, the Secretary of the Senate and
the Assistant Secretary of the Senate.


The purpose of this bill is to change the statutory location
of the prohibition on use of state government computer systems
for political purposes from the Maine Revised Statutes, Title
5, chapter 163, which involves the Office of the Chief
Information Officer within the Department of Administrative
and Financial Services, to Title 21-A, which involves election

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