LD 1393
pg. 2
Page 1 of 4 An Act To Provide for Meaningful Public Input in the Maine Administrative Proce... Page 3 of 4
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LR 1077
Item 1

analyses and statements and arguments filed, before adopting any
rule. The agency shall make a good faith attempt to determine,
based upon current financial, empirical and study data from the
State or from other jurisdictions the substantive and financial
effect of the proposed rule.__The agency shall specify all data
that it considers in the written statement and its conclusions
with respect to the data.__The agency shall consider all
arguments and statements filed with respect to the rule,
determine whether to accept or reject those arguments and in its
final written statement under subsection 5, state specific
reasons why those statements and arguments have been accepted or
rejected.__This determination must be specific and must cite
authority and underlying reasoning.__The decision must
incorporate all such material in its written statement.__The
agency shall promptly make available, whether before or after
any hearing or decision, any relevant information that it has
considered, including intradepartmental and interdepartmental
communications and material, in such a way that individuals
desiring to comment on the rule have an opportunity to comment
on the material.

Sec. 4. 5 MRSA §8052, sub-§5, as amended by PL 1997, c. 196, §1, is
further amended to read:

5. Written statement adopted. At the time of adoption of
any rule, the agency shall adopt a written statement
explaining the factual and policy basis for the rule. The
agency shall list the names of persons whose comments were
received, including through testimony at hearings, the
organizations the persons represent and summaries of their
comments. The agency shall address the specific comments and
concerns expressed about any proposed rule and state its
rationale for adopting any changes from the proposed rule,
failing to adopt the suggested changes or drawing findings and
recommendations that differ from those expressed about the
proposed rule. The statement must be specific, and must cite
authority and underlying reasoning.

A. If the same or similar comments or concerns about a
specific issue were expressed by different persons or
organizations, the agency may synthesize these comments
and concerns into a single comment that accurately
reflects the meaning and intent of these comments and
concerns to be addressed by the agency, listing the names
of the persons who commented and the organizations they
represent. The agency shall provide the names and
respective positions of those persons in the agency
responsible for the analysis and determination of the
final language of the rule and shall attach as an appendix
to the rule any written data, empirical data or other data
relied upon in the agency's decision making.

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