LD 1142
pg. 2
Page 1 of 16 An Act To Restructure the Power and Duties within the Animal Welfare Act Page 3 of 16
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LR 1131
Item 1

and rabies immunization laws. The commissioner chief humane
agent shall certify all animal control officers who complete the
training program.

6. Inspections. The commissioner chief humane agent shall
inspect licensed facilities as provided in chapters 723 and

7. Payment of fees. The commissioner chief humane agent
may authorize payments to providers of special services to
animals when the commissioner chief humane agent determines
those services are in the public interest.

8. Copies of law. The commissioner chief humane agent
shall seasonably forward to the clerks animal control officers
of municipalities copies of this Part.

9. Employees. The commissioner chief humane agent shall
employ personnel, subject to the Civil Service Law, as
necessary to assist in enforcing this Part and in carrying out
the duties and responsibilities of the department. The
commissioner chief humane agent, in consultation with the
Animal Welfare Advisory Committee Council, shall employ,
subject to the Civil Service Law, one full-time humane agent
agents to assist the commissioner chief humane agent in
carrying out the commissioner's chief humane agent's duties
and responsibilities. The commissioner chief humane agent may
not hire as a state humane agent a person who has been
convicted of a criminal violation under Title 17, chapter 42
or has been adjudicated of a civil violation for cruelty to
animals under chapter 739.

10. Rules. Pursuant to Title 5, chapter 375, the
commissioner chief humane agent shall adopt, amend and repeal
rules, including emergency rules, necessary for the proper
administration, implementation, enforcement and interpretation
of any provision of law that the commissioner chief humane
agent is charged with administering.

11. Cruelty to animals. The commissioner chief humane
agent, in cooperation with animal control officers, shall
investigate complaints of cruelty to animals and enforce
cruelty-to-animal laws in accordance with chapter 739 and
Title 17, chapter 42. The Attorney General and the district
attorneys shall assist the commissioner chief humane agent
with the commissioner's chief humane agent's enforcement

12. Intermittent agents. The commissioner shall appoint
intermittent humane agents as necessary to assist the
commissioner in carry out the commissioner's duties and
responsibilities. The commissioner shall train and coordinate
efforts of intermittent agents. These intermittent agents are

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