LD 1676
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Establish the Maine Forest Certification Council LD 1676 Title Page
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LR 2095
Item 1

management to the Governor, the Legislature and the joint standing
committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over forestry
matters.__In conducting its review and generating its report, the
council may consider in addition to the forest management audits
any public, nonconfidential records it considers useful.__In
conducting its review and generating its report, the council may
not substitute its own or any other goals, criteria and standards
of sustainable forest management.

5.__Meetings.__The council shall meet at least 3 times per
year and as often as it considers necessary to perform its
duties.__The members shall hold an initial meeting at which they
shall elect a chair, vice-chair and secretary and assign their
duties and duties to other members as appropriate.__Meetings must
be open to the public and allow for public participation.__Notice
of all meetings must be mailed at least 10 days before each
meeting to those interested parties who have requested notice.__
The public must be notified by a newspaper of general circulation
at least 14 days before all meetings.

Sec. 2. Staggered terms. Notwithstanding the Maine Revised Statutes,
Title 12, section 8876-B, subsection 3, members of the Maine
Forest Certification Council serve staggered 3-year terms. In
order to implement the staggering of terms, the Governor, the
President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of
Representatives shall each initially appoint one member for a 2-
year term, 2 members for 3-year terms and one member for a 4-year
term. Thereafter, all members, whether newly appointed or
renewed, are appointed for a term of 3 years.


This bill establishes the Maine Forest Certification Council,
consisting of members appointed by the Governor, the President of
the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, to
review and report upon the value of the use of 3rd-party
certification in achieving forest sustainability as established
by the Maine Council on Sustainable Forest Management. The
council in conducting its review and generating its report must
rely solely upon 3rd-party certification audits and other
existing and available information. The council has no authority
to establish sustainability standards of its own. Instead, it
must rely exclusively on the goals, criteria and standards
previously established by the Maine Council on Sustainable Forest
Management. The council must report its findings annually to the
Governor and to the Legislature.

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