LD 1619
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 Resolve, to Establish a Commission to Study Maine's Election Procedures and Vot... LD 1619 Title Page
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LR 1585
Item 1

Sec. 8. Report. Resolved: That the commission shall submit its report,
together with any necessary implementing legislation, to the Second
Regular Session of the 120th Legislature no later than January 5,
2002. If the commission requires a limited extension of time to
conclude its work, it may apply to the Legislative Council, which
may grant the extension; and be it further

Sec. 9. Budget. Resolved: That the chairs of the commission, with
assistance from the commission staff, shall administer the
commission's budget. Within 10 days after its first meeting, the
commission shall present a work plan and proposed budget to the
Legislative Council for approval. The commission may not incur
expenses that would result in the commission's exceeding its
approved budget. Upon request from the commission, the Executive
Director of the Legislative Council shall promptly provide the
commission chairs and staff with a status report on the
commission's budget, expenditures incurred and paid and available


This resolve establishes the Commission to Study Maine's
Election Procedures and Voting Laws. The commission is charged
with reviewing the laws governing election procedures and voting
in this State, developing recommendations to improve those laws
and reporting to the Second Regular Session of the 120th

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