LD 1605
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Control Agency Staffing Costs Affecting Long-term Care BY REQUEST ... LD 1605 Title Page
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LR 2171
Item 1

expenses of a nursing staff agency, the wages and benefits
paid by the agency to the medical personnel supplied to a
health care facility or assisted living facility and an
allowance to provide a reasonable return on equity.__An agency
may not bill or receive payments from a health care facility
or assisted living facility at a rate greater than the rate
established pursuant to this section.

B.__In establishing rates for a nursing staff agency
pursuant to this section, the department shall ensure that
the portion of the rate attributable to wages and benefits
does not exceed the prevailing wages and benefits allowed
for permanent medical personnel of the same type at such
health care facilities.__The department shall also take into
consideration the reasonable administrative expenses and an
allowance that provides a reasonable return on equity.__For
the purpose of establishing the rates, the department shall
establish procedures by which a nursing staff agency submits
accountable cost reports, which may be subject to audit, to
the department.__The department shall establish interim
rates for nursing staff agencies until such time as these
reports are complete and permanent rates are established by

4.__Rules.__Rules adopted by the department pursuant to this
section are routine technical rules as defined in Title 5,
chapter 375, subchapter II-A.


This bill establishes a process for registration and rate
setting for agencies that provide nursing staff to health care
facilities and assisted living facilities.

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