LD 1601
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Authorize the Construction of Public Trails in Shoreland Areas LD 1601 Title Page
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LR 1502
Item 1

(6) Limited to a width of 8 feet; and

(7) Constructed to avoid erosion and prevent runoff
into an adjacent body of water.

Sec. 5. 38 MRSA §445, sub-§4 is enacted to read:

4.__Public pathway.__A developer of a public pathway shall
demonstrate that no reasonable site for the public pathway exists
less than 75 feet from the normal high-water line.__When a public
pathway is located within less than 75 feet from the normal high-
water line, is must be sited so that it is screened from the
river by existing vegetation.


This bill amends the shoreland zoning ordinance guidelines to
provide for the construction of public pathways for recreational
public nonmotorized uses such as biking, walking and skiing so
long as those pathways meet certain construction criteria.

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