LD 611
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Create a Pilot Project to Fully Implement the Maine Medical Marijuana... LD 611 Title Page
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Item 1

personnel could confirm the participation of individuals in the
center's services, if necessary, through that particular sheriff's
office or the center. Among other things, the registry system
would consist of a photo identification card, and the center would
be authorized by the patient to check with the individual's
physician that the individual falls within the provisions of the
Maine Medical Marijuana Act of 1998. The center would also check
with the appropriate state medical board or with the statewide
medical association to determine that the physician is duly
licensed to practice in the State.

6. The center would be required to keep records of patients'
usage from the center in order to monitor compliance with
statutory limits.

7. The center would be required to report to the Legislature
within 18 months of commencement of operation concerning the
center's operations, an evaluation in meeting patients' needs and
the unmet needs of patients. The report may also contain
suggestions for additional legislation to meet needs of patients.
The Legislature could then take additional action, including the
authorization of additional sites with the State.

8. A person qualified under the Maine Medical Marijuana Act
of 1998 who possessed appropriate documentation under the current
law of that person's qualification at the time of a stop or
encounter with law enforcement would not be subject to seizure of
a lawful amount of marijuana or the equipment necessary to
maintain, grow or consume medical marijuana.

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