Directory of Bills
From LD 1800 to LD 1999

LD 1800
An Act Concerning Standards for Operation and Maintenance of Radio Antenna Towers
LD 1801
An Act to Enable Small Wineries to Do Business in Maine
LD 1802
An Act to Restore the Distribution Formula Between Private and Public Colleges within the Maine Student Incentive Scholarship Program
LD 1803
An Act to Revoke Probation and Require Incarceration for Repeated Domestic Abuse
LD 1804
An Act to Authorize a Local Option Tax on Wages Earned in a Municipality
LD 1805
An Act to Ensure Prompt Payment of Unemployment Compensation Benefits to Displaced Workers
LD 1806
An Act to Clarify the Definition and Licensure of Insurance Consultants, Financial Planners and Investment Advisors
LD 1807
Resolve, to Encourage Access and Quality Care for People with Alzheimer's Disease in Residential Care Facilities
LD 1808
An Act to Amend the Definition of Lender Under the Uncontrolled Hazardous Substance Sites Law
LD 1809
An Act to Increase Access to Cub Care for Children
LD 1810
An Act to Protect the Drinking Water Supply of the Portland Water District
LD 1811
Resolve, to Direct the State to Implement a Simplified Tax and Wage Reporting System with the Federal Government
LD 1812
An Act to Require the Development of a Basic Needs Budget
LD 1813
An Act to Ensure the Continued Operation of an Information Center in Fryeburg
LD 1814
An Act Establishing the Newborn Hearing Program
LD 1815
Resolve, to Create Grants for the Creation of After-school Child Care Programs in Public Elementary and Middle Schools
LD 1816
An Act to Revise the Harness Racing Laws Regarding Off-track Betting BY REQUEST
LD 1817
An Act to Facilitate the Recruiting of Ballot Clerks BY REQUEST
LD 1818
An Act to Create Statewide Smoking Cessation Services
LD 1819
An Act Regarding the Use of Excess Funds in the State Treasury
LD 1820
An Act to Decriminalize Certain Fish and Wildlife Statutes
LD 1821
An Act to Expressly Treat Voluntary Conduct as a Defense in the Maine Criminal Code
LD 1822
An Act Allowing Kelly Sanborn to Remain in Her Current Residence
LD 1823
An Act to Increase Accessibility to the Department of Environmental Protection Clean-up Funds for Businesses
LD 1824
An Act to Encourage Equity Equivalent Loans or Investments in Community Development Financial Institutions
LD 1825
Resolve, to Establish the Commission to Study Children in Need of Services
LD 1826
An Act to Adjust and Modify the School Funding Formula
LD 1827
An Act to Establish the North Atlantic Cold Water Observatory
LD 1828
An Act to Improve the Quality of Child Care
LD 1829
An Act to Establish a Permit for the Marine Shrimp Fishery
LD 1830
An Act to Provide Complimentary Hunting and Fishing Licenses to Persons on Active Military Duty and Low-cost Licenses to Their Families BY REQUEST
LD 1831
Resolve, to Require the State to Fully Fund All Educational Program Costs
LD 1832
An Act to Prohibit Lobbying by Government Agencies
LD 1833
An Act to Require All Students in Kindergarten to Grade 3 to be Bused to School
LD 1834
An Act to Support Violence Prevention and Intervention Programs
LD 1835
An Act to Amend the Department of Environmental Protection Laws
LD 1836
An Act Concerning the Sea Urchin Fishery
LD 1837
An Act to Amend the Harness Racing Laws
LD 1838
An Act to Include Mental Retardation, Developmental Disability and Substance Abuse Services in the Community Service System of the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services and to Consolidate Those Advisory Bodies to the Department
LD 1839
An Act to Maintain High-quality Services in Long-term Care in Maine
LD 1840
Resolve, Authorizing the State Tax Assessor to Convey the Interest of the State in Certain Real Estate in the Unorganized Territory
LD 1841
An Act to Require Review of a Property Tax Assessment When the Property Has Been Potentially Devalued by a Law
LD 1842
An Act to Require Disclosure of Vital Information When a Conservation Easement or Preservation Interest is Created
LD 1843
An Act to Require That Local Officials Take On-the-record Stands When They Are Responsible for Laws That Decrease Property Taxes
LD 1844
An Act to Protect Taxpayers Against Open-ended Maintenance Expenditures on Property Transferred to the State
LD 1845
An Act to Limit the Imposition of Excise Taxes on Watercraft
LD 1846
An Act to Require Motion Picture Distributors to Give Exhibitors an Equal Opportunity to Bid for the Right to Exhibit Motion Pictures
LD 1847
An Act to Increase to 5.5% the Amount of Revenue Dedicated to General Revenue Sharing
LD 1848
An Act to Require the Display of the Prisoner of War - Missing in Action Flag
LD 1849
An Act to Amend the Laws Governing Public Easements and the Discontinuance of Town Ways
LD 1850
An Act to Amend the Laws Regarding Real Estate Transfers
LD 1851
An Act to Amend the Laws Pertaining to Taxation of Recreational Vehicles
LD 1852
An Act to Create Tax Fairness for Private Purchases of Health Insurance
LD 1853
An Act to Expand the Membership of the Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority
LD 1854
An Act to Require Posting of Regulations on Public Lands
LD 1855
An Act to Establish a New Rate for Excise Taxes of Vehicles
LD 1856
An Act Concerning the Distribution of Beer and Wine
LD 1857
An Act to Amend the Freedom of Access Laws
LD 1858
An Act to Amend the Possession of Firearms by Felons
LD 1859
An Act to Require Enhanced Emissions Testing for the Entire State
LD 1860
An Act Allowing the Appointment of Temporary Guardians of Minors
LD 1861
An Act to Deter Export of Unprocessed Timber and Increase Maine Employment in Timber Harvesting and Processing
LD 1862
An Act Regarding Assignment of Benefits under a Health Insurance Policy
LD 1863
An Act to Allow School Officials to Provide Information Regarding Certain Juveniles to Other Agencies
LD 1864
An Act Concerning the Political Use of Union Dues
LD 1865
An Act to Conform the Highway Defect Statute to the Maine Tort Claims Act
LD 1866
An Act to Reform the Maine Tree Growth Tax Law
LD 1867
An Act to Amend the InforME Laws
LD 1868
An Act to Preserve Public Access and Job Opportunities in the Maine Woods
LD 1869
An Act to Establish the Emergency Management Preparedness and Assistance Trust Fund
LD 1870
An Act to Change the Charter of the Eastport Port Authority
LD 1871
An Act to Revise Procedures for Probation Revocation
LD 1872
An Act to Establish Municipal Cost Components for Unorganized Territory Services to be Rendered in Fiscal Year 1999-00
LD 1873
An Act to Require Prescription Labels to Include Certain Information
LD 1874
An Act to Provide a Permanent Source of Funding for the Land for Maine's Future Fund
LD 1875
An Act to Improve Access for Students with Learning Disabilities to the University of Maine System
LD 1876
An Act to Reform County Governance
LD 1877
An Act to Encourage Lending and Technical Assistance to Natural Resource-based and Micro Businesses
LD 1878
An Act to Make More Uniform the Training of Firefighters
LD 1879
An Act to Increase Access to Basic Needs for Low-income Maine Children and Families
LD 1880
RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Provide for Protected Capital Reserve Funds
LD 1881
RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Limit the Debt Issued by the Maine Governmental Facilities Authority
LD 1882
An Act to Include in the Business Equipment Tax Reimbursement Program those Energy Facilities that Burn Production Residuals from Maine's Primary and Secondary Wood Products Industries
LD 1883
An Act to Ensure that Certain Land Transfers Accomplished through Stock Transfers are not Exempt from the Transfer Tax
LD 1884
An Act to Create a Matching Grant Fund to Provide Technical Assistance to Small Wood Products Manufacturers
LD 1885
Resolve, to Create a Task Force to Study Counterfeiting and the Unauthorized Sale of Consumer Goods and Labels
LD 1886
An Act to Appropriate Funds for Marketing to Promote Economic Development
LD 1887
An Act to Provide Access to Information Services in All Communities of the State
LD 1888
An Act to Amend the Laws Relating to Development and Centralized Listing of Municipal Ordinances that Apply to Forestry Practices
LD 1889
An Act to Amend the Maine Milk Laws
LD 1890
An Act to Establish a Patients' Bill of Rights for Managed Care
LD 1891
An Act to Increase the Minimum Wage
LD 1892
An Act to Refine Certain Theft Provisions in the Law
LD 1893
An Act to Expand the State's Risk Management Responsibilities
LD 1894
An Act to Amend the Statutes Regarding Maine Veterans
LD 1895
An Act to Establish Enterprise Zones to Fund Businesses in Areas of High Unemployment
LD 1896
Resolve, to Increase Reimbursement for Chiropractic Manipulation under the Medicaid Program
LD 1897
An Act to Increase the Maximum Benefit Levels Provided for Injured Workers
LD 1898
Resolve, That the Director of the Maine State Museum Shall Include the Portraits of Outstanding Indians in the State House
LD 1899
Resolve, to Require the Department of Public Safety to Study the Security and Protection of State Government Employees
LD 1900
An Act to Give Consumers Restroom Access BY REQUEST
LD 1901
An Act to Prohibit the Scalping of Entertainment Tickets
LD 1902
An Act to Allow Emergency Room Personnel to Search Patients Who have Threatened Themselves or Others
LD 1903
Resolve, to Study the Needs of Maine Veterans and Their Families
LD 1904
Resolve, to Study Issues Related to the Muzzle-loading Season
LD 1905
An Act to Establish the Birth Defects Program
LD 1906
An Act to Amend the Maine Administrative Procedure Act Pertaining to Major Substantive Rules Review
LD 1907
An Act to Credit a Town for Payment of School Construction
LD 1908
An Act to Establish as an Employee Any Person Who Collects Signatures on Petitions for Direct Initiative or People's Veto Legislation for Any Person, Firm or Organization that Contracts, Subcontracts or Agrees to Collect the Signatures for Anything of Value
LD 1909
An Act to Provide Continuing Financial Support for the Maine Community Policing Institute at the University of Maine at Augusta
LD 1910
An Act to Promote Economic Development in Central Maine
LD 1911
An Act to Relocate the Maine Legislative Law and Reference Library to Comply with the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act
LD 1912
An Act to Provide for Tougher Treatment of Drunk Drivers
LD 1913
An Act to Ensure Fair Access under the Workers' Compensation Utilization and Review System
LD 1914
An Act Concerning Tribal Jurisdiction over Rights-of-way Over or Abutting Tribal Lands and the Collection of Fines from Violations Occurring on Tribal Lands and Rights-of-way
LD 1915
An Act to Amend Assessment Provisions Within the Charter of the Kennebunk Sewer District
LD 1916
An Act Concerning the Regulation and Treatment of Time-shares
LD 1917
An Act to Encourage Growth and Development in Cumberland County
LD 1918
An Act to Change Certain Laws Affecting the State Legislature
LD 1919
An Act to Promote Economic Development in Eastern Maine
LD 1920
An Act to Prevent Conflicts of Interest
LD 1921
An Act to Promote Land Conservation at the Local Level
LD 1922
An Act to Establish the Maine Internet Policy Act
LD 1923
An Act to Facilitate the Establishment of Trail Easements
LD 1924
An Act to Reduce Mercury in Products
LD 1925
An Act to Deter Environmental Terrorism in the State
LD 1926
Resolve, to Establish Maine's Business Advisory Committee on Prescription Drug Costs and Efficiencies
LD 1927
An Act to Ensure that an Eligible Work Force is Promptly Certified for Trade Act Assistance and Has Full Access to Training and Education Services as Provided by Law
LD 1928
An Act to Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue for Repairs, Renovations and Additions to Public Schools
LD 1929
An Act Concerning Damage to Lands and Natural Resources Caused by Natural Gas Pipelines
LD 1930
An Act to Protect Beneficiaries of Structured Settlements
LD 1931
An Act to Amend the Franchise Law
LD 1932
An Act to Create the Beano and Games of Chance Commission
LD 1933
An Act to Promote Sharing of Information Between Schools and Criminal Justice Agencies
LD 1934
Resolve, to Reinstate Emergency Assistance for Dependents of Veterans
LD 1935
An Act to Create Staff Positions at the Maine Commission on Domestic Abuse
LD 1936
An Act to Modify the Juvenile Code with Regard to the Service of Juvenile Summonses
LD 1937
An Act to Allow the State to Obtain a Defendant's Medical Records in Cases Involving OUI
LD 1938
An Act to Recognize Veterans of the Persian Gulf Conflict
LD 1939
An Act to Fund a Minimum Level of Services for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Persons in all Regions of the State
LD 1940
An Act to Create Standards of Eligibility Governing Certain Tax-exempt Organizations and to Phase in a Reduction of the Rate of Exemption to Reflect the Cost of Providing Esssential Municipal Services
LD 1941
An Act Regarding Involuntary Commitment for Substance Abuse
LD 1942
Resolve, to Require the Workers' Compensation Board to Reverse Its Decision and Find in Favor of Richard N. Pushard, Sr. BY REQUEST
LD 1943
An Act to Ensure that Workers Are Informed about Their Employers' Cancellation of Workers' Compensation Insurance
LD 1944
An Act to Establish the Crime of Assault Against Sports Officials
LD 1945
Resolve, Authorizing the Family of Adam Wilson to Sue the Town of Rockport
LD 1946
An Act to Provide for Safe and Orderly Schools
LD 1947
An Act to Ensure Access to Prescription Drugs for the Elderly
LD 1948
An Act Relating to Unfair Competition Between Nonprofit Organizations and Small Businesses BY REQUEST
LD 1949
An Act to Require a Waiting Period After the Completion of Certain Forensic Evaluations
LD 1950
An Act to Change the Membership of the Medicaid Advisory Committee and the Board of Directors of the Maine Health Data Organization
LD 1951
Resolve, to Establish the Task Force to Study the Funding of and to Develop an Improved Decision-making Process for the Residential Treatment of Youth with Mental Health Issues
LD 1952
An Act to Simplify the Process of Determining the Eligibility of Homeless Persons for General Assistance
LD 1953
An Act to Fully Fund Primary and Secondary Education in the State
LD 1954
An Act to Categorize Pervasive Developmental Disorder as a Neurological Disorder rather than a Mental Illness under the Insurance Laws
LD 1955
An Act Regarding Youth Residence Laws
LD 1956
An Act to Limit the Number of Appeals Concerning a Property Tax Assessment
LD 1957
An Act to Require Reimbursement to Municipalities for the Education of Foster Children
LD 1958
An Act to Establish Educational Excellence for the Towns of Mechanic Falls, Minot and Poland
LD 1959
An Act to Require Payment of the Excise Tax for First-time Vehicle Registration Only
LD 1960
An Act to Change the Names of Divisions within the Bureau of Forestry to More Accurately Reflect the Roles and Duties of Those Divisions
LD 1961
An Act to Amend the Right of Entry Clauses
LD 1962
An Act to Establish the State Revolving Loan Fund for Small Business Initiatives
LD 1963
An Act to Establish the Maine Council on Aging
LD 1964
An Act to Establish the Charter School Authority
LD 1965
An Act to Establish the Maine Dental Education Loan Program
LD 1966
An Act to Require Disclosures in Connection with Transfers of Residential Property
LD 1967
An Act to Assign Responsibility for Juveniles Who Are Not Receiving Schooling
LD 1968
An Act Concerning Recreational and Commercial Trapping
LD 1969
An Act to Revise Certain Provisions of the Medical Examiner Act
LD 1970
An Act to Address the Solvency of the Unemployment Compensation Fund
LD 1971
An Act Regarding Property Tax Liens
LD 1972
Resolve, to Establish a Commission to Encourage Incorporations in Maine
LD 1973
An Act to Increase the Availability of Home Care Services for Maine's Elderly
LD 1974
Resolve, to Transfer a Parcel of State Land to the Town of Carrabassett Valley
LD 1975
An Act to Promote Equitable Educational Opportunities
LD 1976
An Act to Amend the Funding Formula Components that Determine the State and Local Share of School Funding
LD 1977
An Act to Create the Farmington Falls Standard Water District
LD 1978
An Act to Support the Graduate Education of Speech Pathologists for Maine Schools
LD 1979
An Act to Limit the Percentage of Forest Products Harvested from Certain Lands That May Be Sold to a Foreign Country
LD 1980
An Act to Provide Labeling for Cider
LD 1981
An Act to Revise the Accountancy Laws
LD 1982
An Act to Establish a Lobster Trap Tag Freeze to Limit Effort in the Lobster Fishery
LD 1983
An Act to Assist Independent Contractors to Comply with State Tax Laws
LD 1984
An Act to Establish Department of Human Services Review Panels
LD 1985
An Act to Require the Labeling of Irradiated Food Sold at Retail
LD 1986
An Act to Authorize Sly Brook to Secede from Eagle Lake and to Deorganize
LD 1987
An Act to License Hikers, Canoeists, Kayakers and Off-road Bicyclists
LD 1988
An Act to Provide for Benefits to Surviving Dependents of Employees Who Die as a Result of Work Injuries
LD 1989
An Act to Amend Binding Arbitration to Include Salaries, Pensions and Insurance for State, Legislative and Municipal Employees and to Provide a Process for Voting when a Public Employer's Last Offer is Not Selected
LD 1990
An Act to Require Economic and Taking Impact Analyses to Protect Individual Rights
LD 1991
An Act to Protect Customers of Nonbank Cash-dispensing Machines
LD 1992
An Act to Limit Entry into the Lobster Fishery by Zone
LD 1993
An Act to Establish an Appeals Process for Lobster Fishing License Denial
LD 1994
An Act to Amend the Laws Regarding Unlawful Cutting of Trees
LD 1995
An Act to Clarify the Workers' Compensation Laws Regarding the Agricultural Laborer Exemption
LD 1996
An Act to Allow the Forfeiture of Firearms Seized during a Lawful Search for Scheduled Drugs
LD 1997
An Act to Amend the Election Laws to Prohibit Signing Nomination Papers for More than the Number of Seats Available
LD 1998
An Act to Fulfill the Requirements of the Electric Restructuring Act
LD 1999
Resolve, to Create a Committee to Establish a Memorial Dedicated to the Civilian Conservation Corps

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