Directory of Bills
From LD 1200 to LD 1399

LD 1200
An Act to Amend the Laws Pertaining to Excise Tax Collection
LD 1201
An Act to Require Licensing Fees of Tobacco Products Manufacturers
LD 1202
An Act to Ensure Just Sentences
LD 1203
An Act to Increase Access to Prescription Drugs for the Elderly and for Disabled Persons
LD 1204
An Act to Amend the Fishing Laws
LD 1205
An Act Concerning Access to Obstetrical and Gynecological Services Provided Through Managed Care Plans
LD 1206
An Act to Provide for the 1999 and 2000 Allocations of the State Ceiling on Private Activity Bonds
LD 1207
An Act to Amend the Local Highway Laws
LD 1208
An Act to Amend the Enhanced 9-1-1 Laws
LD 1209
An Act Regarding Property Owners Whose Land Abuts a Solid or Special Waste Landfill
LD 1210
An Act to Amend the Site Evaluator Licensing Laws
LD 1211
An Act to Permit Wine to be Ordered through the Mail
LD 1212
Resolve, to Replace Reformulated Gasoline and Require an Alternative Reid Vapor Pressure/Low-sulfur Substitute for the State
LD 1213
An Act Regarding the Effective Date of Guardian Ad Litem Training
LD 1214
An Act Authorizing the Release of Information to a Competitive Electricity Provider
LD 1215
An Act Regarding the Eligibility of a Citizen to Serve as a School Board Member BY REQUEST
LD 1216
An Act to More Equitably Distribute General Purpose Aid to Schools Based on Property Values
LD 1217
An Act to Make Courses that Teach English as a 2nd Language Reimbursable by the State
LD 1218
An Act Relating to Automobile Rental Supplemental Liability Insurance
LD 1219
An Act to Amend the Charter of the Mt. Blue Standard Water District
LD 1220
An Act to Provide for Resident State Police Officers for Municipalities Without a Police Force
LD 1221
An Act Requiring a Mandatory Jail Sentence for a Person Convicted Twice of Sexual Abuse Against a Minor
LD 1222
An Act to Change the Budget Approval Procedures for Somerset County
LD 1223
An Act to Clarify the Immunity for Charitable Directors, Officers and Volunteers
LD 1224
An Act to Allow the Town of Cornville to Receive its 1997 Tree Growth Tax Reimbursement
LD 1225
Resolve, to Direct the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife to Review Rules for Compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act
LD 1226
An Act to Amend the Seat Belt Law Regarding the Enforcement of Penalties
LD 1227
Resolve, Regarding State Mandates Imposed Before Approval of the Constitutional Amendment Governing State Mandates
LD 1228
An Act to Increase Payments to Foster Parents
LD 1229
Resolve, to Promote Community Mental Health Services
LD 1230
An Act Allowing Certain Exceptions to Jury Duty
LD 1231
An Act to Allow Special-use Access over Discontinued Municipal and County Roads
LD 1232
An Act to Clarify Free-lance Labor in an Employer/Employee Relationship
LD 1233
An Act to Provide for Automated Restrooms BY REQUEST
LD 1234
An Act to Establish the Maine School Technology Fund
LD 1235
RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Increase the Number of Signatures Required on Direct Initiative Petitions
LD 1236
An Act Concerning Ownership of a Rafting Company
LD 1237
An Act to Protect the Right of Employees to Freely Decide Whether to Support Labor Organizations
LD 1238
An Act to Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue in the Amount of $10,000,000 for Historic Preservation
LD 1239
An Act to Clarify the Governance of Soil and Water Conservation Districts
LD 1240
Resolve, Regarding Legislative Review of Chapter 20: Forest Regeneration and Clearcutting Standards, a Major Substantive Rule of the Department of Conservation
LD 1241
An Act to Create a Single-payor System for Universal Health Care
LD 1242
An Act to Establish Procedures for the Awarding of Loans and Grants to Municipalities and Other Entities
LD 1243
An Act to Strengthen the Kinship Laws
LD 1244
An Act to Require Truth in Campaign Advertising
LD 1245
An Act to Modify the Laws on Negotiating a Worthless Instrument
LD 1246
An Act to Protect the Rights of Judicial Employees
LD 1247
An Act to Extend the Homestead Tax Exemption to the Passamaquoddy and Penobscot Communities
LD 1248
An Act to Resolve Technical Inconsistencies in the Nutrient Management Act
LD 1249
An Act to Eliminate the Lodging Tax on Long-term Rentals
LD 1250
An Act to Allow a Change in a Vehicle Registration Date BY REQUEST
LD 1251
An Act to Change the Reimbursement Rate for Law Enforcement Personnel Who Testify in Court
LD 1252
An Act to Explain the Check-off Box on Maine Tax Returns for Campaign Financing
LD 1253
An Act to Create the Board of Cemetery and Crematory Services BY REQUEST
LD 1254
An Act to Allow Beverage Sales from Mobile Service Vehicles on Golf Courses
LD 1255
An Act Providing for Regulation of the Uses of Surface Waters within or Affecting Passamaquoddy Territory
LD 1256
Resolve, to Establish a Task Force to Study the Operation of and Support for the Board of Environmental Protection
LD 1257
An Act to Regulate Push Polling
LD 1258
An Act Relating to Uninsured Vehicle Coverage
LD 1259
An Act to Discourage Consumption of Alcohol by Minors
LD 1260
An Act to Offer Reciprocity Concerning Concealed Firearms Permits
LD 1261
An Act to Require the Training of School Personnel Who Administer Medications
LD 1262
An Act to Increase the Minimum Wage in Maine
LD 1263
An Act to Ensure Fairness in Calculating the Income Factor in the School Funding Formula
LD 1264
An Act to Ensure Freedom of Speech and Association on Campus
LD 1265
An Act to Amend the Charter of the Tenants Harbor Standard Water District
LD 1266
RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Promote Historic and Scenic Preservation
LD 1267
An Act to Amend the Laws Governing the Aroostook Water and Soil Management Board and to Provide Funding for a Low-flow Study
LD 1268
An Act to Provide Equal Treatment in the Taxation of Public Pensions
LD 1269
An Act To Improve Indoor Air Quality in Schools
LD 1270
An Act to Provide Child Care Subsidies for Families Who Lose Coverage under the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families Program
LD 1271
An Act to Ensure the Proper Taxation of Low-energy Fuels
LD 1272
An Act to Adjust the Forest Fire Suppression Tax
LD 1273
An Act to Encourage Utility Efficiency
LD 1274
An Act to Extend the Machinery and Equipment Exemption to Sales and Leaseback Transactions
LD 1275
An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Wage Fairness Task Force
LD 1276
An Act Relating to Utilities and Affiliated Interests
LD 1277
An Act Concerning Technical Changes to the Tax Laws
LD 1278
An Act to Base Sales Tax for Net Energy Billing Customers on Net Energy Deliveries
LD 1279
An Act to Provide Funds for a New Historical Atlas of Maine
LD 1280
An Act to Provide Funding for School Drug Awareness and Education Programs
LD 1281
An Act to Raise Penalties for Cases of Cruelty to Animals or Birds
LD 1282
An Act to Make It a Class E Crime to Write a Check on a Closed Account
LD 1283
An Act to Expand Access to the Elderly Low-cost Drug Program
LD 1284
An Act Regarding Test Results Used in Determining Paternity
LD 1285
An Act to Allow the Child Support Obligor the Right to Provide Day Care
LD 1286
An Act to Expand Economic Development Opportunity
LD 1287
An Act to Use State Educational Facilities Efficiently
LD 1288
An Act to Establish a Lobster License for 30-year Residents of the State Who are 65 Years of Age or Older
LD 1289
An Act to Establish Municipal Zoning Regulations for Community Living Arrangements
LD 1290
An Act to Create the Position of Ombudsman in the Department of Human Services
LD 1291
An Act to Amend the Liquor Licensing Laws Regarding Bed and Breakfasts
LD 1292
An Act to Enhance Tourism Promotion and Provide Additional State Revenue
LD 1293
An Act Concerning the Responsibility of County Sheriffs to Transport Juvenile Detainees
LD 1294
An Act to Provide for a Limited Waiver of Immunity
LD 1295
An Act Regarding Continuing Education for Professional Land Surveyors
LD 1296
Resolve, to Create the Task Force to Explore Alternative Payment Mechanisms for Dental Health Care
LD 1297
An Act to Provide for Timely Implementation of the Maine College Savings Program
LD 1298
An Act to Amend the Certification Process of Code Enforcement Officers
LD 1299
An Act to Enhance the Elderly Low Cost Drug Program
LD 1300
An Act Exempting from the Sales Tax the Value of a Trade-in Vehicle When the Trade-in Is Sold Privately
LD 1301
An Act to Conform State Law to Federal Nuclear Power Plant Requirements for Off-site Emergency Planning
LD 1302
An Act to Provide Partial Funding for Construction of the Edmund S. Muskie School of Public Service
LD 1303
An Act to Amend the Statute of Limitations for Medical Malpractice
LD 1304
An Act to Amend the Laws Regarding the Hiring of Physicians for Maine Summer Camps
LD 1305
An Act to Establish and Fund Conflict Resolution Programs in the Public Schools
LD 1306
An Act to Require Legislative Review of Motor Vehicle Fuel Standards
LD 1307
An Act Regarding Required Lights on Plow Trucks
LD 1308
An Act to Clarify Roles and Responsibilities in the Child Development Services System
LD 1309
An Act to Make Technical Changes and Improvements to the Employment Tax Increment Financing Program
LD 1310
An Act to Reduce the Administrative Requirements of the Forest Practices Laws
LD 1311
An Act to Repeal the Emissions Testing Program in Cumberland County
LD 1312
An Act to Improve Consumers' Opportunities to Hire and Retain Personal Care Attendants
LD 1313
An Act to Give the Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife the Sole Discretion to Determine the Need for and Location of Boat Launches
LD 1314
An Act to Establish Medical Savings Accounts
LD 1315
An Act to Ensure the Quality and Safety of Child Care
LD 1316
An Act to Encourage Municipal and State Partnerships Concerning the Issuance of Aquaculture Leases
LD 1317
An Act to Appropriate Additional Funding for Court-appointed Counsel
LD 1318
An Act to Amend the Treatment of Security Deposits Upon the Sale of a Building
LD 1319
Resolve, to Direct the Governor to Establish a Commission to Recommend to the Governor Candidate Designs for the Maine State Quarter to be Submitted to the United States Mint
LD 1320
An Act to Create a Penalty for the Intentional Transmission of a Sexually Transmitted Disease
LD 1321
An Act to Increase Long-term Health Care Options
LD 1322
An Act to Ensure the Availability of Home-based Care
LD 1323
An Act to Ensure Affordable Access to Gynecological Services Provided by Nurse Practitioners
LD 1324
An Act to Eliminate the Need for a Foster Home License for Adoptive Parents
LD 1325
An Act to Provide Fairness to Victims of Medical Malpractice
LD 1326
An Act to Clarify the Authority of the Maine Milk Commission
LD 1327
An Act to Strengthen Enforcement of Lobster Trap Limits
LD 1328
An Act Regarding the Shooting of Domestic Animals
LD 1329
An Act to Apply the Approval Procedures in Municipal Charters to Locally Funded School Construction Projects
LD 1330
An Act Concerning Corrections Employees
LD 1331
An Act to Allow Local Option Excise Taxes on Vehicles
LD 1332
An Act to Prohibit Hunting Animals in Enclosed Areas
LD 1333
An Act to Establish a Personal Property Tax on Truck Tractors, Trailers and Semitrailers Registered in this State
LD 1334
An Act Concerning the Distribution of Certain Fines and Forfeitures
LD 1335
An Act to Simplify the Collection of Fees for the Maine Dairy Promotion Board and Maine Dairy Nutrition Council
LD 1336
An Act to Facilitate the Transfer of Credits Between Colleges of the Maine Technical College System
LD 1337
An Act Regarding Taxation of Clean Vehicle Fuels
LD 1338
An Act to Provide a Free Hunting License to a Person Who Has Lost the Use of One Arm
LD 1339
An Act to Provide Preference to Farmers for Disaster Relief
LD 1340
An Act to Require Schools to Begin After Labor Day
LD 1341
An Act to Provide Additional Funding for the Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission
LD 1342
An Act to Clarify the Exempt Status of Property Shipped Out of State
LD 1343
An Act to Establish Blueberry Weight Accountability
LD 1344
An Act to Provide Long-term Funding for the Land for Maine's Future Program
LD 1345
An Act to Allow Student License Holders to Become Eligible for Commercial Lobster and Crab Fishing Licenses
LD 1346
An Act to Amend the Laws Regarding the School Administrative District Budget Approval Process
LD 1347
An Act Addressing an Allegation of Prior Conviction When the Sentence Is Enhanced
LD 1348
An Act to Provide for Fair and Open Procedures for a Waiver of Department of Education Rules
LD 1349
An Act to Protect Citizens from the Detrimental Effects of Tobacco
LD 1350
An Act to Exclude Intentional Tort Claims from the Application of the Maine Workers' Compensation Act of 1992
LD 1351
An Act to Require that Members of the Workers' Compensation Board be Subject to Review by the Joint Standing Committee on Labor
LD 1352
An Act to Ensure That All Employees Receive Full Workers' Compensation Benefits
LD 1353
An Act to Amend the Workers' Compensation Laws as They Pertain to Wage Statements
LD 1354
An Act to Amend the Law Regarding Conflict of Interest
LD 1355
An Act to Prohibit a Municipality from Being Penalized by the State for Lacking a Comprehensive Plan
LD 1356
An Act to Allow Game Wardens to Approve Beaver Dam Removal
LD 1357
Resolve, to Create a Commission to Study the Hearing Process of the Workers' Compensation Board
LD 1358
An Act to Promote Stability in Labor Management Relations in the Public Sector
LD 1359
An Act to Make the Unemployment Compensation Program More Responsive to the Needs of Today's Workforce and to Ensure the Solvency of the Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund
LD 1360
An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Joint Committee on Substance Abuse
LD 1361
An Act to Increase the Requirement that Drugs be Confiscated from 48 Hours to One Year
LD 1362
An Act to Allow the State to Initiate Default Proceedings in Order to Obtain Forfeited Assets When the Defendant Fails to Appear in a Court Proceeding
LD 1363
An Act to Increase the Availability of Glucose Screenings
LD 1364
An Act to Provide for the Collection of Storm Water in the City of Hallowell
LD 1365
An Act to Amend the Procedures under the So-called Circuit Breaker Program BY REQUEST
LD 1366
An Act to Require Pollution Prevention as a Criterion for Awarding State Contracts
LD 1367
An Act Regarding Notification to Parties Affected by Marine Construction
LD 1368
An Act to Ensure a Fair Distribution of Hunting Permits
LD 1369
An Act to Transfer Responsibility for Youth Corrections from the Department of Corrections to the Department of Human Services
LD 1370
An Act to Reduce the Age at which a Maine Citizen May Obtain a Free Fishing and Hunting License and to Provide Free Licenses for Military Personnel
LD 1371
An Act Regarding the Collection of Child Support by Custodial Parents
LD 1372
An Act to Give a Caretaker the Same Temporary Assistance for Needy Families as a Custodial Parent
LD 1373
An Act to Require the Coordination of School Calendars
LD 1374
An Act to Create a Sales Tax Exemption for Child Abuse and Neglect Councils
LD 1375
An Act to Provide Prejudgment and Post-judgment Interest in Small Claims Actions
LD 1376
An Act to Amend the Retirement Benefit Qualifications for Department of Corrections Employees
LD 1377
Resolve, Directing the Department of Labor to Establish Standards for Providing Heat in Buildings
LD 1378
An Act to Ensure Access to Long-term Care Services for Persons with Dementia
LD 1379
An Act Regarding Municipal Firearm Discharge Ordinances
LD 1380
An Act Providing a Tax Credit for Private School Tuition
LD 1381
An Act to Make the Use of Halogen Lights on Motor Vehicles Illegal BY REQUEST
LD 1382
An Act to Require That Both the Northern Maine Regional Juvenile Detention Facility and the Maine Youth Center Receive Detainees
LD 1383
An Act Promoting Technology in Business Recordkeeping
LD 1384
An Act to Promote the Sale of Traditional Passamaquoddy Crafts
LD 1385
An Act to Allow Emergency Medical Technicians to Draw Blood Samples for Alcohol Analysis
LD 1386
Resolve, to Establish a Police Cadet Program for the State Police
LD 1387
An Act to Facilitate Moose Hunting Permits for Active Military Personnel BY REQUEST
LD 1388
An Act to Amend the Sales and Use Tax Law Regarding the Food Service and Lodging Industries
LD 1389
An Act to Establish Fair Funding for Independent and 3rd-Party Legislators
LD 1390
An Act to Expand Hunting Options for Disabled Military Veterans
LD 1391
An Act to Amend the Charter of the Dover-Foxcroft Water District
LD 1392
An Act Concerning the Lapse of Automobile Insurance
LD 1393
An Act Concerning Due Process Regarding Certified Nursing Assistants
LD 1394
An Act to Limit the Idling Time for Diesel Motor Vehicles
LD 1395
Resolve, Establishing a Commission to Study the Future Use and Reclamation of Number One Pond in Sanford
LD 1396
An Act Relating to Contractual Obligations of Electric Utilities after Restructuring
LD 1397
An Act to Promote School Achievement
LD 1398
An Act to Secure Environmental and Economic Benefits from Electric Utility Restructuring
LD 1399
An Act to Simplify the Licensing of Seafood Dealers in the State

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