LD 2592
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act to Amend the Charter of the Kennebunk Sewer District Page 3 of 3
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LR 3418
Item 1

hereinafter provided in this Act, to and into tidal waters, rivers,
watercourses or filtration plants or to or into any drain or sewer
now or hereafter built which that empties into tidal waters, rivers
or into any watercourse or filtration plant, the discharge
therefrom from the watercourse or filtration plant to be at such
points consistent with the requirements of public health as shall
be found convenient and reasonable for said district and the flow
of existing watercourses; also to construct and maintain filtration
plants, pumping stations, basins, reservoirs, flush tanks and such
other appliances for collecting, holding, purifying, distributing
and disposing of sewage matter and surface or waste waters as may
be necessary and proper; and in general, do any or all things
incidental to accomplish the purposes of this act Act.

Sec. 3. P&SL 1955, c. 69, §8, as amended by P&SL 1985, c. 97, §4, is
further amended to read:

*Sec. 8. Rights and obligations of abutters or others to enter. Any person may
enter his that person's private sanitary sewer into any sewer of
the district located within the territory of the district while
the same is under construction and before completion of the sewer
at the point of entry on obtaining a permit in writing from the
trustees; but after the sewer is completed to the point of entry,
no a person may not enter his that person's private sanitary
sewer into the sewer located within the territory of the district
until he that person has paid the entrance charge and obtained a
permit in writing from the trustees as aforesaid. All such
permits shall must be recorded by the district in its records
before the same are issued.

The owner, or persons in possession, or against whom taxes are
assessed, of all buildings or premises intended for human
habitation, occupancy or use, abutting on a street located within
the territory of the district in which there is a sewer
maintained by this district, or if the buildings stand on
premises which that are benefited and to which sewer service is
available, shall connect with the sewer in the most direct manner
possible within 90 days after receiving notice thereof from the
sewer district, or within such further time as its trustees may
grant, except as otherwise provided in the Maine Revised
Statutes, Title 38, section 1252, subsection 3.

Sec. 4. Emergency clause; referendum; effective date. In view of the
emergency cited in the preamble, this Act takes effect when
approved only for the purpose of permitting its submission to the
legal voters within the Town of Kennebunk at the next regular
town election to be held on June 13, 2000 or at a special town
meeting to be called and held for the purpose within 3 months of
the approval of this Act. This election must be

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