LD 1616
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act Regarding the Calculation of Maine State Retirement System Benefits ... LD 1616 Title Page
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LR 2727
Item 1

Sec. 3. Retroactivity. That part of this Act that enacts the Maine
Revised Statutes, Title 5, section 17804, subsection 5-A takes
effect retroactively to July 1, 1996.


To avoid artificially increasing retirement benefits, current
law limits increases in compensation for state employees and
teachers that may be counted as earnable compensation for
purposes of calculating retirement benefits under the Maine State
Retirement System to 5% in any one year and to 10% over a
member's highest 3 years of compensation. This bill requires the
retirement system to use a member's 4th highest year of
compensation as the base year in determining whether the caps
have been exceeded.

In the case of a retiree who exercised a benefit payment
option calling for a reduced benefit during the member's lifetime
in return for continued payment of a benefit to a designated
beneficiary after the retiree's death, the bill requires the
recalculation of the retirement benefit if the beneficiary dies
before the retiree. Retroactive to July 1, 1996, the retiree's
benefit would be recalculated as if the option of full benefit
payment had been selected.

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