LD 1495
pg. 1
LD 1495 Title Page Resolve, to Regulate the Use, Operation and Type of Watercraft on Coastal Water... Page 2 of 2
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LR 1781
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. Recommendations for regulating the use, operation and type of watercraft on coastal
waters. Resolved: That a municipality, with the approval of its
legislative body, may submit recommendations to the Commissioner
of Marine Resources for regulating the use, operation and type of
watercraft on coastal waters abutting that municipality. For
coastal waters that border more than one municipality,
recommendations may be submitted only after approval by the
legislative bodies of all municipalities in which those waters
are located. For coastal waters that border lands within the
jurisdiction of the Maine Land Use Regulation Commission, the
approval of the commission is also required. If a municipality
chooses to prepare recommendations for such waters, it shall take
into consideration the use to which those waters are put, the
depth of the water, the amount of water-borne traffic on the
waters, wildlife and environmental values, noise, traditional
uses of the water body and the safety of persons and property.
These recommendations may be submitted only after a public
hearing and must include a description of the resources the
municipality or municipalities will use to assist with enforcing
those regulations if enacted.

The commissioner shall submit a report to the First Regular
Session of the 120th Legislature by January 15, 2001 on the
recommendations received from municipalities prior to November 1,
2000 and shall submit a report to the Second Regular Session of
the 120th Legislature by January 15, 2002 on the recommendations
received from municipalities between November 1, 2000 and October
30, 2001. Each report must be accompanied by legislation
implementing the municipal recommendations supported by the
Department of Marine Resources. That legislation may also include
recommendations of the department, developed using the criteria
in this section, for waters not addressed in the municipal
proposals. The joint standing committee having jurisdiction over
marine resource matters is authorized to report out legislation
to implement these recommendations during the Second Regular
Session of the 119th Legislature and during the First Regular
Session of the 120th Legislature; and be it further

Sec. 2. Joint agency report. Resolved: That the Maine Land Use
Regulation Commission, the Department of Inland Fisheries and
Wildlife and the Department of Conservation, Bureau of Parks and
Lands shall jointly report no later than January 1, 2001 to the
joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction
over marine resource matters on the regulation of surface water
uses on coastal waters that abut land within their jurisdiction.
In preparing the report and recommendations, the agencies shall
consult among themselves and with any other state or federal
agency having administrative authority for lands that abut
coastal waters. The report must include recommendations for

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