LD 1422
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act Requiring Notice to Be Given to Alleged Perpetrators LD 1422 Title Page
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LR 1196
Item 1

4. Service of final protection order. The court shall deliver
in-hand at the court, or send by ordinary mail promptly after it
is entered, a copy of the final protection order to the parent's
or, custodian's and alleged perpetrator's counsel or, if no
counsel, to the parents or, custodians and alleged perpetrator.
The copy of the order shall must include a notice to them of
their rights under section 4038. Lack of compliance with this
subsection does not affect the validity of the order.

Sec. 6. 22 MRSA §4033, sub-§6 is enacted to read:

6.__Effect of proceedings.__The alleged perpetrator is
entitled to fully participate in child protective proceedings
except for a preliminary protection order under section 4034 or a
petition for a medical treatment order under section 4071, but
including hearings under section 4034.__A finding in favor of an
alleged perpetrator bars criminal proceedings arising out of the
same facts.__A finding against an alleged perpetrator is
inadmissable in a criminal proceeding against the alleged
perpetrator; however, any testimony of the alleged perpetrator
may be used in a criminal proceeding.


This bill requires notification of alleged perpetrators in
child protective proceedings and grants them the right to testify
and present evidence in those proceedings. It provides that a
criminal case may not be brought against the alleged perpetrator
if the court finds in favor of the alleged perpetrator. If the
court does not find in favor of the alleged perpetrator, that
testimony may be used in a criminal proceeding.

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