LD 901
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Amend the Laws Regarding the Scallop Fishing Season and Scallop Fishi... LD 901 Title Page
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LR 1480
Item 1

2. Remainder of season. It is unlawful from December January
1st to April 15th for a person to possess on any vessel fishing
for scallops in the coastal waters, or to utilize when fishing
for or taking scallops in the coastal waters, a drag or any
combination of drags that measures in excess of 10 feet, 6 inches
across from one extreme outside edge of the mouth of the drag or
combination of drags to the opposite extreme outside edge.

Sec. 4. 12 MRSA §6728 is enacted to read:

§6728.__Sunday closure

It is unlawful during the open scallop season for a person to
fish for or take scallops in the coastal waters on Sundays.


This bill shortens the open scallop season by one month. It
also requires scallop rings to measure 3 1/2 inches in diameter.
Current law requires a 3 1/2 inch ring size beginning on November
1, 2001. It also prohibits scallop fishing on Sundays. In
addition, the bill provides for a uniform open season along the
entire Maine coast by repealing the commissioner's authority to
adjust the season by rule.

The bill also adjusts the dates of limits on the size of
scallop drags. It prohibits use of a drag with a width greater
than 5 1/2 feet from December 1st to December 31st. It prohibits
use of a drag with a width greater than 10 1/2 feet from January
1st to April 15th.

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