LD 781
pg. 1
LD 781 Title Page Resolve, to Provide Vouchers for School Choice BY REQUEST LD 781 Title Page
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LR 1828
Item 1

Sec. 1. Voucher system required. Resolved: That, beginning with the
2000-01 school year, the Department of Education, referred to in
this resolve as the "department," shall administer a voucher
system under which parents and students may choose the schools or
other education options they wish to attend or use; and be it

Sec. 2. System components. Resolved: That the department shall develop
a plan to implement the voucher system, which must include:

1. A mechanism to ensure that amounts determined under the
school funding formula to be the local share or costs are paid to
the State to be redistributed along with the State's share or
costs by means of the voucher; and

2. A formula to calculate the voucher amounts for each school
year; and be it further

Sec. 3. Use of vouchers. Resolved: That, under the plan developed by
the department, the voucher may be used for attendance at any
public or private elementary or secondary school or for any other
program that provides elementary or secondary education in a
setting other than a public school, including home schooling.
The department may not impose any requirements or standards on
any education program. If a voucher is for an amount greater
than the actual costs, which may include transportation and
supplies, of the school or program, the remainder of the money
may be retained by the parent, parents or legal guardian as long
as it is used to defray other education costs that are not
directly related to a school or program, including, but not
limited to, athletics and the arts; and be it further

Sec. 4. Submission to Legislature. Resolved: That the department shall
submit its plan, including any necessary implementing
legislation, to implement the voucher system to the Second
Regular Session of the 119th Legislature by January 1, 2000.


This resolve requires that elementary and secondary education
be provided by means of a voucher system that allows students and
parents to choose in which schools or programs they want to
receive an education. The resolve requires the Department of
Education to develop a plan to implement the voucher system
beginning for school year 2000-01.

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