LD 756
pg. 1
LD 756 Title Page Resolve, to Create a Task Force to Study Ways to Improve and Streamline the Reg... Page 2 of 3
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LR 1427
Item 1

Emergency preamble. Whereas, Acts and resolves of the Legislature do
not become effective until 90 days after adjournment unless
enacted as emergencies; and

Whereas, it is desirable to study state agencies' regulation of
water utilities; and

Whereas, unless this legislation is enacted as an emergency,
there will not be sufficient time in which to complete the study
before the Second Regular Session of the 119th Legislature; and

Whereas, in the judgment of the Legislature, these facts create
an emergency within the meaning of the Constitution of Maine and
require the following legislation as immediately necessary for
the preservation of the public peace, health and safety; now,
therefore, be it

Sec. 1. Task force created; duties. Resolved: That there is established
the Task Force to Study the Regulation of Water Utilities,
referred to in this resolve as the "task force." In order to
advise the Governor and the Legislature on ways to improve state
regulation of water utilities by reducing duplication, focusing
regulatory efforts and improving the efficiency of regulation,
the task force shall:

1. Assess in an integrated manner the regulatory functions
that are currently being performed by various state agencies,
including the new capacity development provisions of the federal
Safe Drinking Water Act;

2. Determine which regulatory functions are essential;

3. Determine where the responsibility for essential
regulatory functions should reside;

4. Assess the feasibility of allowing qualified utilities the
option of being regulated at the local level; and

5. Investigate any other improvements to state regulation of
water utilities that may be accomplished.

The task force shall present its findings to the Governor and
Legislature and may make recommendations, including
recommendations for legislative changes; and be it further

Sec. 2. Task force membership; chair. Resolved: That the task force
consists of the following 10 members:

1. One representative from the Public Utilities Commission,
appointed by the chair of the commission;

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