LD 742
pg. 1
LD 742 Title Page An Act to Amend the Animal Welfare Laws Page 2 of 10
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Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 7 MRSA c. 717, is amended by repealing the chapter headnote
and enacting the following in its place:



Sec. 2. 7 MRSA §3907, sub-§12-D is enacted to read:

12-D.__Dangerous dog.__"Dangerous dog" means a dog that bites
an individual who is not trespassing on the dog owner's premises
at the time of the incident or a dog that causes a reasonable
person who is acting in a neutral manner outside of the dog
owner's premises to fear imminent bodily harm by attacking or
threatening to attack that individual or that individual's
domestic animal.

Sec. 3. 7 MRSA §3909, sub-§3 is enacted to read:

3.__Education requirement; management.__A humane agent hired
after January 1, 1999 shall attend a nationally recognized animal
law enforcement training program of at least 40 hours' duration.__
A humane agent, regardless of date of employment, must receive a
minimum of 12 hours of related education annually.

Sec. 4. 7 MRSA §3911, as amended by PL 1987, c. 643, §1, is further
amended to read:

§3911. Dogs at large

It is unlawful for any dog, licensed or unlicensed, to run be
at large, except when used for hunting. The owner or keeper of
any dog found running at large shall be is subject to the
penalties provided in this chapter.

Sec. 5. 7 MRSA §3912, as repealed and replaced by PL 1997, c. 690,
§10, is repealed and the following enacted in its place:

§3912.__Disposition of dogs at large

An animal control officer or person acting in that capacity
shall seize, impound or restrain a dog found in violation of
section 3911, shall deliver it to an animal shelter as provided
in section 3913, subsection 2-A or shall take the dog to its
owner, if known.__If ownership can not be established, such an
animal may be handled as a stray for the purposes of acceptance
by an approved animal shelter.

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