LD 712
pg. 1
LD 712 Title Page Resolve, Creating a Task Force to Investigate the Effects of Unratified Interna... Page 2 of 3
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Item 1

Preamble. Whereas, the State of Maine is not obligated to adhere
to the conditions set forth in international treaties that are
not formally ratified by the United States Senate; and

Whereas, the United States Senate has not ratified the
conventions of the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change, or the subsequent Kyoto Protocols on greenhouse
gas emissions; and

Whereas, State Government agencies have participated in a task
force on global climate change, which has recommended adherence
to international goals for greenhouse gas emissions as set forth
by the United Nations climate change conventions; and

Whereas, more than 17,000 scientists, two-thirds of whom have
advanced degrees in physical sciences, have signed a petition
asserting that "there is no convincing scientific evidence" that
greenhouse gases are causing global warming; and

Whereas, unilateral implementation of greenhouse gas emission
controls by either the federal or state governments would not
significantly reduce greenhouse gases as long as the 136
developing nations are exempt from the Kyoto Protocols; and

Whereas, establishment of state policy based on unratified
international treaties, such as those proposed for climate change
and biological diversity, threatens the long-term economic health
of many Maine industries; now, therefore, be it

Sec. 1. Commission established. Resolved: That the Task Force to
Investigate the Effect of Implementation by State Agencies of
Unratified International Treaties, referred to in this resolve as
the "task force," is established; and be it further

Sec. 2. Membership. Resolved: That the task force consists of 16
members appointed as follows:

1. One Democratic member of the State Senate appointed by the
Senate President;

2. One Republican member of the State Senate appointed by the
Senate Republican leader;

3. Two Democratic members of the House of Representatives,
appointed by the Speaker of the House;

4. Two Republican members of the House of Representatives,
appointed by the Republican floor leader;

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