LD 705
pg. 1
LD 705 Title Page An Act to Prevent an Aggressive Dog from Doing Harm to People Page 2 of 2
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LR 1425
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 7 MRSA §3952-A is enacted to read:

§3952-A.__Complaints regarding potentially dangerous dogs

1.__Filing of complaint.__A sheriff, local law enforcement
officer or animal control officer may file a complaint in
District Court alleging that a dog is a potentially dangerous dog
if the__sheriff, law enforcement officer or animal control
officer has reason to believe that the dog poses a threat of
serious injury to a person or has been trained, tormented or
encouraged to attack a person without provocation.

2.__Court determination.__If, upon hearing, the court finds
that the dog does pose a threat of serious injury to a person or
has been trained, tormented or encouraged to attack a person
without provocation, the court shall declare the dog to be a
potentially dangerous dog and order the owner or keeper of the
dog to confine the dog in accordance with the requirements
established in subsection 3.__In making a determination, the
court may request that the dog be evaluated by a licensed
veterinarian or, upon recommendation of a licensed veterinarian,
by a licensed dog breeder or professional dog handler.

3. Confinement of potentially dangerous dog.__The owner or
keeper of a dog determined by the court to be a potentially
dangerous dog in accordance with this section shall confine the
dog as provided in this subsection.__The owner or keeper shall:

A.__Display in a conspicuous manner a sign on the premises
warning that a potentially dangerous dog is on the premises.__
The sign must be visible and legible from a distance of 50
feet from the enclosure required under paragraph B;

B.__Except as provided in paragraph C, confine the dog to an
enclosure that has sound sides, top and bottom to prevent
the potentially dangerous dog from escaping by climbing,
jumping or digging.__The enclosure must be within a fence of
at least 6 feet in height and the fence must be at least 3
feet from the enclosure.__The enclosure must be locked to
prevent entry by the general public and to preclude release
or escape of the dog; and

C. If the dog is not in the enclosure, securely muzzle and
restrain the dog with a tether having a tensile strength
sufficient to prevent escape and of a length that restricts the
dog's movements to a radius of no more than 3 feet from

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