LD 696
pg. 1
LD 696 Title Page An Act to Provide for Sentence Reform LD 696 Title Page
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LR 69
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 17-A MRSA §1269 is enacted to read:

§1269.__Life term of imprisonment for 2 prior convictions for

murder or Class A, B or C crimes

Notwithstanding this chapter or any other law, the court shall
set a life term of imprisonment for a person who is convicted of
murder or a Class A, B or C crime if that person has 2 or more
prior convictions for murder or a Class A, B or C crime.__The
sentence may not include a period of probation or any other form
of release from actual confinement.


The bill requires the court to set a life term of imprisonment
for a person who is convicted of murder or a Class A, B or C
crime and has 2 prior convictions for murder or a Class A, B or C

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