LD 658
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LD 658 Title Page An Act to Require Notification of a Lien on Property to Be Done by Certified Ma... Page 2 of 3
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Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 10 MRSA §3251, as amended by PL 1997, c. 264, §1, is
further amended to read:

§3251. Lien established

Whoever performs labor or furnishes labor or materials,
including repair parts of machines used, or performs services as
a surveyor, an architect or an engineer, or as a real estate
licensee, or as an owner-renter, owner-lessor, or owner-supplier
of equipment used in erecting, altering, moving or repairing a
house, building or appurtenances, including any public building
erected or owned by any city, town, county, school district or
other municipal corporation, or in constructing, altering or
repairing a wharf or pier, or any building thereon, including the
surveying, clearing, grading, draining, excavating or landscaping
of the ground adjacent to and upon which any such objects are
constructed, or in selling any interest in land, improvements or
structures, by virtue of a contract with or by consent of the
owner, has a lien thereon and on the land on which it stands and
on any interest such owner has in the same, to secure payment
thereof, with costs. If the owner of the building has no legal
interest in the land on which the building is erected or to which
it is moved, the lien attaches to the building, and if the owner
of the wharf or pier has no legal interest in the land on which
the wharf or pier is erected, the lien attaches to the wharf or
pier, and in either case may be enforced as provided. If the
owner of such land, building, wharf or pier, so contracting, is a
minor or married woman, such lien exists and such minority or
coverture does not bar a recovery in any proceeding brought to
enforce it. A person who files a lien on real property pursuant
to this section shall meet the notice requirements specified in
Title 14, section 4651-A, subsection 5.

Sec. 2. 22 MRSA §1313-B, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 704, @12,
is amended to read:

3. Other remedies. In addition to filing a civil action to
enforce this section:

A. The municipality may record a lien against the property
of the owner or keeper of an animal if the person fails or
refuses to comply with an order to confine or quarantine the

B. The municipal officers or their designated agent, such as the
animal control officer, shall serve written notice on the owner
or keeper of the animal that specifies the action

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