LD 648
pg. 1
LD 648 Title Page An Act Related to Legislator Intervention in Actions Before a State Agency or A... LD 648 Title Page
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LR 860
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 1 MRSA §1014, sub-§2, as enacted by PL 1975, c. 621, §1, is
amended to read:

2. Undue influence. It is presumed that a conflict of
interest exists where there are circumstances which that involve
a substantial risk of undue influence by a Legislator, including
but not limited to the following cases.:

A. Appearing for, representing or assisting another in a
matter before a state agency or authority, unless without
compensation and for the benefit of a constitutent
constituent, except for attorneys or other professional
persons engaged in the conduct of their professions.

(1) Even in the excepted cases, an attorney or other
professional person must refrain from references to his
the professional's legislative capacity, from
communications on legislative stationery and from
threats or implications relating to legislative

B. Representing or assisting another in the sale of goods
or services to the State, a state agency or authority,
unless the transaction occurs after public notice and
competitive bidding.; or

C.__Intervening in an action before a state agency or
authority, whose membership is composed of board or
commission members who are confirmed to their positions by
the legislative committee of jurisdiction on which the
Legislator sits.__Attorneys and other professional persons
engaged in the conduct of their business are not excepted
from this paragraph.


This bill makes it a conflict of interest for a Legislator to
intervene in an action before a state agency or authority whose
members are appointed by the legislative committee on which the
Legislator serves.

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