LD 640
pg. 1
LD 640 Title Page An Act to Require Informed Consent when Using Mercury in Dental Procedures ... LD 640 Title Page
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LR 1557
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 32 MRSA §1094-C is enacted to read:

§1094-C.__Informed consent to the use of mercury or mercury

amalgam in dental procedures

1.__Consent by the patient. A dentist may not use mercury or
mercury amalgam in a dental procedure unless, prior to the use,
the dentist certifies in writing that the patient gave informed
consent freely and without coercion.

2.__Informed consent.__To ensure that the consent for the use
of mercury or mercury amalgam in a dental procedure is truly
informed consent, the dentist shall inform the patient, in a
manner that in the dentist's professional judgment is informative
and that will be understood by the patient, of at least the

A.__The intended use of mercury or mercury amalgam;

B.__The potential advantages and disadvantages to the use of
the mercury or mercury amalgam that relate to health, human
biological and environmental issues; and

C.__Other options for completing the dental procedure.


This bill requires informed consent from the patient for a
dental procedure involving the use of mercury or mercury amalgam,
including information on the intended use, potential advantages
and disadvantages and other options for completing the dental

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