LD 621
pg. 1
LD 621 Title Page An Act to Allow Towns to Sand and Plow Private Ways LD 621 Title Page
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LR 1440
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 23 MRSA §3105 is amended to read:

§3105. Use of town equipment

The inhabitants of any town or village corporation at a legal
town or village corporation meeting may authorize the selectmen
municipal officers of the town or assessors of the village
corporation to use its highway equipment on private ways within
such town or village corporation, whenever such selectmen
municipal officers or assessors deem consider it advisable in the
best interests of the town or village corporation for fire and
police protection. The inhabitants may also authorize the use of
highway equipment on private ways for snowplowing and sanding as
conditions warrant for reasonable passage by motor vehicles, as
long as the inhabitants vote to authorize snowplowing and sanding


This bill allows a municipality to sand and plow private ways
if the inhabitants of that municipality have voted at a public
meeting to do so.

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