LD 587
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Ameliorate Penalties for Late Filing of Municipal Tax Returns LD 587 Title Page
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LR 333
Item 1

In tax years beginning on or after April 1, 1988, the The State Tax
Assessor shall determine annually the amount of acreage in each
municipality that is classified and taxed in accordance with this
subchapter. A municipality actually levying and collecting
municipal property taxes and within whose the boundaries of which
this acreage lies is entitled to annual payments from money
appropriated by the Legislature provided it submits an annual
return in accordance with section 383 and it achieves the
appropriate minimum assessment ratio described in section 327. For
the property tax year based on the status of property on April 1,
1988, the per acre reimbursement amount increases from 15¢ to 24¢.
For property tax years based on the status of property on April 1,
1989 or thereafter, the per acre reimbursement is 90% of the per
acre tax revenue lost as a result of this subchapter. For purposes
of this section, the tax lost is the tax that would have been
assessed, but for this subchapter, on the classified forest lands
if they were assessed according to the undeveloped acreage
valuations used in the state valuation then in effect, or according
to the current local valuation on undeveloped acreage, whichever is
less, minus the tax that was actually assessed on the same lands in
accordance with this subchapter. A municipality that fails to
achieve the minimum assessment ratio established in section 327
loses 10% of the reimbursement provided by this section for each
one percentage point the minimum assessment ratio falls below the
ratio established in section 327. If a complete annual return,
including an application for reimbursement under this paragraph, is
not filed when due, the reimbursement must be reduced by the unpaid
portion of the penalty imposed under section 383.__If a complete
return and application are not filed by May 1st of the year
following the year for which the return is due, no reimbursement
under this paragraph may be paid except as a credit against the
penalty imposed under section 383.


This bill provides that the State Tax Assessor shall impose on
a municipality a penalty to be deducted from any state funds
otherwise payable to the municipality if the municipality files
late the annual return and lists required by the Maine Revised
Statutes, Title 36, section 383. The penalty for municipalities
with a population of less than 2,000 is $50 for the first late
day and $10 for each day thereafter. The penalty for
municipalities with a population of more than 2,000 is $100 for
the first day and $20 for each late day thereafter.

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