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Title & Section

State of Maine Legislature

Summary of LD 1685

Bill Info
LD 1685 (HP 1209)
"An Act To Facilitate Entry of Immigrants into the Workforce"
Sponsored by Representative Kristen Cloutier

Status Summary
Reference Committee Innovation, Development, Economic Advancement and Business
Last House Action 6/5/2019 -  PASSED TO BE ENACTED.
Sent for concurrence. ORDERED SENT FORTHWITH.
Last Senate Action 6/19/2019 -  On Motion by Senator BREEN of Cumberland taken from the SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS TABLE.
Subsequently PASSED TO BE ENACTED in concurrence
Last Engrossed by House on 6/3/2019
Last Engrossed by Senate on 6/4/2019
Governor Action Signed by the Governor
Chapter 447 
Final Law Type Public Law
Date 6/20/2019

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