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State of Maine Legislature

Summary of LD 1655

Bill Info
LD 1655 (SP 554)
"An Act To Create a Sales Tax Exemption for the Sale and Delivery of Off-peak Electricity for Electric Thermal Storage Devices"
Sponsored by Senator Jonathan Courtney

Status Summary
Reference Committee Taxation
Last House Action 3/1/2012 -  PASSED TO BE ENACTED.
Sent for concurrence. ORDERED SENT FORTHWITH.
Last Senate Action 5/16/2012 -  TAKEN from the Special Appropriations Table by Senator ROSEN of Hancock.
PASSED TO BE ENACTED - Emergency -2/3 Elected Required, in concurrence.
Last Engrossed by House on 2/29/2012
Last Engrossed by Senate on 2/23/2012
Governor Action Signed by the Governor (Emergency Measure)
Chapter 673 
Final Law Type Public Law
Date 5/21/2012

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