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Title & Section

State of Maine Legislature

Summary of LD 976

Bill Info
LD 976 (HP 720)
"An Act To Require 3 Years of Experience in a School Administrative Unit before a Teacher May Receive a Continuing Contract Offer"
Sponsored by Representative Peter Johnson

Status Summary
Reference Committee Education and Cultural Affairs
Last House Action 5/23/2011 -  PASSED TO BE ENACTED.
Sent for concurrence. ORDERED SENT FORTHWITH.
Last Senate Action 5/23/2011 -  Under suspension of the Rules PASSED TO BE ENACTED in concurrence
Last Engrossed by House on 5/17/2011
Last Engrossed by Senate on 5/19/2011
Governor Action Signed by the Governor
Chapter 172 
Final Law Type Public Law
Date 5/31/2011

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