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State of Maine Legislature

Sponsors of LD 1107

Bill Info
LD 1107 (HP 819)
"An Act To Eliminate Penalties under the School Administrative Unit Consolidation Laws for Grand Isle School Department, Madawaska School Department, School Administrative District No. 32 and School Administrative District No. 33"
Sponsored by Representative Charles Theriault

Sponsors and Cosponsors
Sponsored By: Representative Charles THERIAULT of Madawaska
Cosponsored By: Representative Bernard AYOTTE of Caswell
Representative Herbert CLARK of Millinocket
Representative Peter EDGECOMB of Caribou
Representative Stephen HANLEY of Gardiner
President Troy JACKSON of Aroostook
Representative Howard McFADDEN of Dennysville
Representative Peter RIOUX of Winterport
Representative Michael WILLETTE of Presque Isle

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