State of Maine Legislature

Rollcall for House Roll-call #359: LD 225 (SP 76)

Date:  May 16, 2012
Motion:  Enactment - Bond Issue
Number of Yeas Required:  94 (2/3 present and voting)
Outcome:  PREVAILS
Tallies:  Yeas (Y): 99, Nays (N): 41, Absent (X): 10, Excused (E): 0

Member Party Vote       Member Party Vote
AYOTTE of Caswell R N       KESCHL of Belgrade R Y
BEAUDOIN of Biddeford D Y       KNAPP of Gorham R Y
BEAULIEU of Auburn R Y       KNIGHT of Livermore Falls R N
BEAVERS of South Berwick D Y       KRUGER of Thomaston D Y
BECK of Waterville D Y       KUMIEGA of Deer Isle D Y
BELIVEAU of Kittery D Y       LAJOIE of Lewiston D Y
BENNETT of Kennebunk R N       LIBBY of Waterboro R X
BERRY of Bowdoinham D Y       LONG of Sherman R N
BICKFORD of Auburn R X       LONGSTAFF of Waterville D Y
BLACK of Wilton R N       LOVEJOY of Portland D Y
BLODGETT of Augusta D Y       LUCHINI of Ellsworth D Y
BOLAND of Sanford D X       MacDONALD of Boothbay D Y
BOLDUC of Auburn D Y       MAKER of Calais R Y
BRIGGS of Mexico D Y       MALABY of Hancock R Y
BRYANT of Windham D Y       MALONEY of Augusta D Y
BURNS of Whiting R Y       MARTIN of Eagle Lake D Y
CAIN of Orono D Y       MAZUREK of Rockland D Y
CAREY of Lewiston D Y       McCABE of Skowhegan D Y
CASAVANT of Biddeford D Y       McCLELLAN of Raymond R N
CEBRA of Naples R N       McFADDEN of Dennysville R Y
CELLI of Brewer R X       McKANE of Newcastle R N
CHAPMAN of Brooksville G Y       MONAGHAN of Cape Elizabeth D Y
CHASE of Wells R Y       MORISSETTE of Winslow R N
CHIPMAN of Portland D Y       MORRISON of South Portland D Y
CLARK of Millinocket D Y       MOULTON of York R Y
CLARK of Easton R N       NASS of Acton R N
CLARKE of Bath D Y       NELSON of Falmouth D Y
CORNELL du HOUX of Brunswick D X       NEWENDYKE of Litchfield R Y
COTTA of China R N       NUTTING of Oakland R Y
CRAFTS of Lisbon R N       O'BRIEN of Lincolnville D X
CRAY of Palmyra R N       O'CONNOR of Berwick R N
CROCKETT of Bethel R Y       OLSEN of Phippsburg R N
CURTIS of Madison R N       PARKER of Veazie R N
CUSHING of Hampden R Y       PARRY of Arundel R Y
DAMON of Bangor R Y       PEOPLES of Westbrook D Y
DAVIS of Sangerville R N       PETERSON of Rumford D Y
DILL of Old Town D Y       PICCHIOTTI of Fairfield R N
DION of Portland D Y       PILON of Saco D Y
DOW of Waldoboro R Y       PLUMMER of Windham R N
DRISCOLL of Westbrook D Y       PRESCOTT of Topsham R N
DUCHESNE of Hudson D Y       PRIEST of Brunswick D Y
DUNPHY of Embden R N       RANKIN of Hiram D Y
EBERLE of South Portland D Y       RICHARDSON of Carmel R Y
EDGECOMB of Caribou R N       RICHARDSON of Warren R N
ESPLING of New Gloucester R N       RIOUX of Winterport R N
EVES of North Berwick D Y       ROCHELO of Biddeford D Y
FITTS of Pittsfield R Y       ROSEN of Bucksport R Y
FITZPATRICK of Houlton R N       ROTUNDO of Lewiston D Y
FLEMINGS of Bar Harbor D Y       RUSSELL of Portland D Y
FLOOD of Winthrop R Y       SANBORN of Gorham D Y
FOSSEL of Alna R Y       SANDERSON of Chelsea R N
FOSTER of Augusta R Y       SARTY of Denmark R Y
FREDETTE of Newport R Y       SHAW of Standish D Y
GIFFORD of Lincoln R N       SIROCKI of Scarborough R N
GILBERT of Jay D Y       STEVENS of Bangor D Y
GILLWAY of Searsport R Y       STRANG BURGESS of Cumberland R Y
GOODE of Bangor D Y       STUCKEY of Portland D Y
GRAHAM of North Yarmouth D Y       THERIAULT of Madawaska D Y
GUERIN of Glenburn R Y       TILTON of Harrington R Y
HAMPER of Oxford R N       TIMBERLAKE of Turner R N
HANLEY of Gardiner D Y       TREAT of Hallowell D Y
HARLOW of Portland I Y       TURNER of Burlington R N
HARMON of Palermo R N       TUTTLE of Sanford D Y
HARVELL of Farmington R Y       VALENTINO of Saco D Y
HASKELL of Portland D Y       VOLK of Scarborough R Y
HAYES of Buckfield D Y       WAGNER of Lewiston D Y
HERBIG of Belfast D Y       WALLACE of Dexter R N
HINCK of Portland D Y       WATERHOUSE of Bridgton R N
HOGAN of Old Orchard Beach D X       WEAVER of York R N
HUNT of Buxton D Y       WEBSTER of Freeport D X
INNES of Yarmouth D Y       WELSH of Rockport D Y
JOHNSON of Eddington R N       WILLETTE of Mapleton R N
JOHNSON of Greenville R Y       WILLETTE of Presque Isle R Y
KAENRATH of South Portland D X       WINSOR of Norway R Y
KENT of Woolwich D X       WOOD of Greene R N